The session went well, I have never seen him so zen calm except when he is sleeping. He would also have times when he would start stretching and flexing his limbs and give deep sighs, then back to total calm. It was very interesting for me to watch and at the end of the session the CST told him that things should get a little easier. Then he said "Mom, I think you need to get up here now." I wasn't expecting it but I was happy for the offer.
So, pretty much instantly he said that he needed to work on my adrenals. Then, he asked me to drop all the things I was holding that were not serving my highest. I don't know if he meant God, but that is how I heard it and thought, yes, why am I holding all these things? Worries don't serve my Highest, and I realized that I was holding a lot more than I even knew. I dropped them one by one with each breath.
I will still need to make sure I don't try to pick them back up again, I'm helpful like that.
My session was wonderful in ways I'm not really sure how to describe so again I will just say that CST rocks! The most interesting part of my session was that word, adrenals. When he said that my brain was like "ah ha!" Other then meaning stress I wasn't sure what they did exactly. Later that day I did some research. Turns out they are affecting much more of my life then I knew.
I found an article on adrenal function or rather dysfunction that described my life pretty perfectly.
Get up, drink coffee... coffee...tired Also, too busy for breakfast, scarf down something at 11 maybe, forget to eat again until I am starving at dinner time. Most likely the afternoon coffee also has a high sugar item to boost me back out of zombie get the picture
What I learned was that when you are hungry your body goes into fight or flight mode, so if you already have a busy life and maybe your children spike your adrenalin multiple times a day, it really is best to avoid getting hungry. Add to that a few cups of joe and you have a recipe for cortisol overload.
This constant state of "fight or flight" leads to a lower immune system, allergies (I've had tons recently for the first time in my life,) memory problems, and many other things. It seems though that this is the normal and expected state of almost every american parent.
Now, I can't get rid of the stress of a meltdown from one of my children but I think I can remember to eat. I'm actually programming my phone to remind me for the next week so I get in the habit (memory problem.)
I can also do a better job avoiding sugar when I'm feeling hungry or tired. I'm not giving up coffee completely but at least for now I'm going to not drink it after my morning brew. I'm letting my body be able to feel reality, and if it's telling me go to bed at 8:30 then I probably should. I will catch up on New Girl some other time.
So far, this not having coffee in the afternoon is leaving me yawning at soccer practice, and realizing I want to go to bed between 8:30-9:30 instead of my usual 11:30-12. Also, because I didn't pump myself with caffeine, I get to do something about it. I get to sleep! I don't feel like having a glass of wine to wind down, because I've been winding down since 4 o'clock.
I shared on Facebook that without my afternoon coffee I had uncovered that I was exhausted and needed to go to bed early. I thought that if I got any reply it would be something to the tune of "way to go!" or "I need to sleep more too." Nope! I was met with encouragement to drink more coffee.
Why are we so against slowing down and resting? I don't understand why we feel we must be busy and peppy to be successful mothers. While I don't understand it, I do feel it. There is a mom at the school who if you compared her with other parents, looks like she is high. I mean, not really, she doesn't have the glassy red eyes. But she seems to be in this sleepy sort of state that after I thought about it today, I think is just what the dictionary would call RELAXED and not jacked up on caffeine. She walks slower, talks slower, and has a presence of calm. Now what if, that mom is going at NORMAL speed and we are all racing on hyper speed. I fear that is the case. We need to learn from her!
Wouldn't it be great if we aimed for relaxed, balanced, healthy american, instead of super human, coffee chugging, task juggling, sick american? What if instead of saying to that other mom how normal it is to be exhausted, what if instead we gave her tips to be less exhausted, or offered to swap childcare so we could both take a nap or get a massage? Let's get creative and change the expectations.
Lets dare to slow down and take care of ourselves. As the flight attendant says, "Put your mask on first and then assist your child." We need to breath, we need to eat, we need to value our needs instead of sweeping them to the side. If my child wanted to skip breakfast there is no way I would let that happen. I would lecture them about how the body needs energy, the brain needs food to think, not to mention them feeling grumpy on an empty stomach. So, why should I let myself off so easily? Let's put our masks on, and that "oxygen" will make us better parents.