Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Open Ears, Open Hearts

We must all support each other, with listening ears, with our time, with encouragement.  I just read the blog over at Momastery and it brought me to tears.  Now, if you go read it today you may think I am nutty and  not cry at all, but it touched me deeply.  I had a very emotional day yesterday as my daughter had her medical evaluation and so maybe that is why, but the thing I heard from Glennon's blog most loud was LISTENING.  Listening is something that we don't do enough of.  Especially if it's something we don't agree with.  We are so quick to tune out or talk over the thing we don't want to hear.  We must listen though, it's how we grow, and how we show respect to our fellow humans.

Listening was huge for me two days ago.  My daughter was about to have her official evaluation that would give access to services that can help her and get them covered by insurance. (Her pediatrician and a psychologist had agreed with me but it wasn't official yet).   I have heard that this process can sometimes turn into a mess if the child is having a "good day" and acts "normal."  The evaluation appointment took months to get, is very expensive, (thankfully our insurance covered it) and lasts an entire day long.  (The results were that I am not crazy and it is indeed Aspergers/Autism Spectrum Disorder)

I was anxious and I needed someone to listen.  I prayed, and that did help.  I quoted bible verses in my head anytime a little voice came in that said "you are crazy and wrong."  but I also needed human interaction and someone who had been through it before to hear me and encourage me.  I am lucky to be part of an online yahoo group.  I sent out an email on my worries and situation and then listened (well, ok read) but they also encouraged and really helped me feel less alone, and less crazy.

If you are from that group and reading this, especially if you responded I want to say Thank you!!!
We need listeners in our life! We also need to be listeners and I hope that I don't turn away when someone is needing me to listen.  Everyone is going through something and we shouldn't have to go it alone.  I have my Jesus, but even he had his disciples around him.   We were meant to support each other with love and open ears.

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